Judging & Submission Details
If you are an investment manager based in Australia or an offshore manager with an Australian presence offering an absolute return product to Australian investors in any of the award categories, please send your net monthly performance returns to Mercer Australia
PacificManagerCommunication@mercer.com for inclusion in the Awards database.
Are you a manager and would you like to keep you up to date with submission or judging details?
Share with us your details (no spam or unnecessary emails from us) and we'll notify you as necessary. Click here
Mercer is the data collection partner for the Australian Alternative Investment Awards - being presented at the 2024 Hedge Funds Rock event on 25th September, 2024.
The award categories are:
Best Specialist ESG Fund
Best Alternative Investment Manager of the Year
Best Alternative Fixed Income and Credit Fund
Best Emerging Manager
Best Global Macro/Futures Fund
Best Investor Supporting Australian Managers
Best Listed Alternative Investment Product
Best Long Short Equity Fund
Best Market Neutral Fund
Best Multi Strategy Fund
Best Offshore Manager Operating in Australia
Best Private Debt Manager
Contribution to the Australian Hedge Funds Industry Award
Please feel free to nominate any new funds and send through data as outlined below.
Data Provision Instructions
Data to 30 June must be provided by 30 July 2024.
Please provide your data via email in the format as follows:
Email Address: PacificManagerCommunication@mercer.com
Email Subject: 2024 Australian Alternative Investment Awards Performance Data Submission – >Manager Name<
Preferred Data Provision Format:
Data to be provided in Excel; No PDF or Word files
Data provided in columns, with the name of the strategy at the top of each corresponding column, include fund code if applicable – APIR, ISIN in a secondary row
The monthly return to be in descending order in the first column, with end of June 2024 NAV being the first entry - with the month in the adjacent column to confirm the return data is in the correct order.
Please only provide Net Returns
At least 36 months of return data to be provided (unless new fund where we need a minimum of 12 months’ data)
Returns to be in percentage format, to at least two decimal places
Let me know if you have any queries on this process.
Thank you in advance
Max Drennan | max.drennan@mercer.com